cognitive task

cognitive task
задание познавательного характера
задача познавательного характера
когнитивная задача

Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "cognitive task" в других словарях:

  • Elementary cognitive task — An elementary cognitive task (ECT) is any of a range of basic tasks which require only a small number of mental processes and which have easily specified correct outcomes Human Cognitive Abilities: A Survey of Factor Analytic Studies By John… …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive ergonomics — studies cognition in work settings, in order to optimize human well being and system performance. It is a subset of the larger field of human factors and ergonomics. Contents 1 Goals 2 Methodology 3 Relation to other disciplines …   Wikipedia

  • Task analysis — is the analysis of how a task is accomplished, including a detailed description of both manual and mental activities, task and element durations, task frequency, task allocation, task complexity, environmental conditions, necessary clothing and… …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive evaluation theory — (CET Deci 1975)[1] is a theory in Psychology that is designed to explain the effects of external consequences on internal motivation. Specifically, CET is a sub theory of Self Determination Theory that focus on competence and autonomy while… …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive apprenticeship — is a theory of the process where a master of a skill teaches that skill to an apprentice. Constructivist approaches to human learning have led to the development of a theory of cognitive apprenticeship [1] [2]. This theory holds that masters of a …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive infocommunications — (CogInfoCom) investigates the link between the research areas of infocommunications and cognitive sciences, as well as the various engineering applications which have emerged as the synergic combination of these sciences. The primary goal of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive style — or thinking style is a term used in cognitive psychology to describe the way individuals think, perceive and remember information. Cognitive style differs from cognitive ability (or level), the latter being measured by aptitude tests or so called …   Wikipedia

  • Task loading — in Scuba diving is a term used to refer to a multiplicity of responsibilities leading to an increased risk failure on the part of the diver to undertake some key basic function which would normally be routine for safety underwater. [cite journal… …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive Complexity Theory — Cognitive complexity is a psychological characteristic or psychological variable that indicates how complex or simple is the frame and perceptual skill of a person. A person who measures high on cognitive complexity tends to perceive nuances and… …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive map — Cognitive maps (also known as mental maps, mind maps, cognitive models, or mental models) are a type of mental processing composed of a series of psychological transformations by which an individual can acquire, code, store, recall, and decode… …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive acceleration — describes a lesson style originally developed by Michael Shayer and Philip Adey at King s College London which is designed to promote student s thinking from concrete to formal , abstract thinking. The first series used a secondary science… …   Wikipedia

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